We return (
torniamo) to Italy and Genoa, 2 years since our last trip and 3 years since wrapping up our year abroad. And we return to blogging as well, at least to capture the highlights of this visit.

Our trip begins with seeing family, including adorable nephew Teddy!
No trip to Piedmont would be complete without some Barolo...and in Italy, even the kids get to try the wine.
(Note to the grandparents: it was only the very low-alcohol wine!)
(Note to the grandparents: those are strong harnesses protecting the family!)
From the French-Italian border to the place of Napoleon's exile: Isola d'Elba. Such a beautiful island, including half the area being a marine reserve of fish-filled water - filled up with bread, only to then be served with a side of bread at dinner!
And coming back to Genoa has been a return to familiar places, people, flavors and friends:
It has also been a return to the peculiarities of this wonderful city and country...
The juxtaposition of modern and ancient. |
Businesses that close for 2 hours at both lunch and dinner! |
Captive cats...and girls who miss their cat at home! |
The narrow and steep streets of the historic district. |
And the abundance of the Mediterranean, fully fried and flavorful! |
All of this is cause for